Let me share three of my best tips
In the event that I was to share my current top tips with you…
I will share my three life-changing, at the moment ‘my favourite three’ tips that will not only transform your new year but also have an immediate effect from the moment you begin to implement them. These tips are designed to help you with your health, wealth, and happiness. Trust me, they are simple yet incredibly effective. They will soon become powerful habits that will enhance your life in the long run.
Tip # One, the Healthy one
Your health is where we start. Have you ever considered the incredible benefits of cloves? These small spices, which are commonly associated with Christmas, are packed with goodness that can greatly enhance your health. You can start your day being very healthy by chewing one or two before anything else! give it a try and let me know what you experience!
During the upcoming year, I plan to dig deep into the science and facts that I recently learned, and I’ll share valuable insights and information from professional researchers that I follow. For exclusive updates, please subscribe the mailing of “Mermaids’ News” to ensure you don’t miss out, you won’t be disappointed!
A Wealthy Tip # Two
Now, let’s focus on wealth. It’s important to analyse the mindset that governs our life! Sometimes, outdated beliefs and ingrained family habits hold us back from achieving true financial success even in today’s world packed with teachings. The truth is we are directed from a subconscious level and you’re not alone! It takes a load of inspiration to create that shift of mindset. IF interested – I’ve got you covered! This holiday season, I’m excited to introduce you to Sigrun, who have 12 fantastic Masterclasses that will expose you to a vast array of knowledge, starting on December 25th. And guess what? The entire experience is completely free! It’s her ‘Special Gift’ – for you, me and any other Sister out there, open for inspiration, to learn and to make a change! This link is the most simple way to sign up!
“🎁 ❤️ A Special Gift 🎁 ❤️”
The Tip # Three is for you Happiness
Lastly, let’s talk about your happiness. I would like to share with you the extraordinary power of conscious breathing. Not only is it essential for our survival, but when practiced with intention and awareness, it can bring you genuine happiness and a natural high. Not only will you be in a better mood, but also your energy will rise and your sleep will improve! Countless studies and discussions explore this fascinating subject from various angles.
🔶 Are you curious for more? Let’s meetup at “The Mermaids’ Coffee Club” Looking forward to meeting you!
Much love
🧡 Katrine
Your Mermaid sister, host, trainer, and mentor.
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