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Create healthy chemistry and balance within your fantastic body!

What is very important for your health is to have a good balance between the alkaline and acid levels in our body. The lifestyle of today is far to acid for the body. We eat white bread, butter and cheese, meat, sugar, cakes, sweets etc. We drink coffee, wine, beer, soda and sparkling water – which all causes a lot of harmful stress because we get too much while the body really struggles to bring down the acid level. But also what you eat needs to be nutritious. Vegetables and fruits happens to be mostly alkaline.

A good lifestyle for being well is among others about how to support your body, keeping the chemical balance in order, so the body can spend its energy on reproduction and restitution in the self-healing system and create energy so you can do what you like to do. We can reduce the stress in our body effectively if we know how thing works and how to support the body better. So let’s focus on the alkaline / acid balance here.

What I do is – I drink a lot of plain water during the day! A lot is minimum 2 liters a day besides drinking my nettle tea! I do love my coffee so I have to compensate somewhere else. Exercise and walks reduce acid and creates alkaline too. I therefore aim for doing a brisk walk for 20-30 minutes every day… every 2-3 day it’s prolonged to 1.5 hrs (7 km). To breathe properly is what happens when we walk – but also I try to be aware and breathe deeply several times during my day. Then I love eating vegetables and we fairly eat meat any longer.

But one of my really good tricks is another morning routine, I do (while I make the 2nd pot of nettle tea…) I take half a lemon (organic) squeeze it into a jug (for ½ liter) fill in lukewarm water and 1 tablespoon of organic virgin  Olive oil – this is SO good. The Olive Oil is anti-inflammatory, the lemon creates alkaline and the water supports the detoxification which now will happen. The result is amazing! You can see it on your skin, your nails get strong and flexible, and you might even start losing weight. Interesting about the weight – but facts is that the signal for the body actually needing more hydration (thirst) we mix up, so we think we need food and eats instead … and probably it was just the water we needed!

Another big problem we have today is the quality of the drinking water – we all need to drink pure clean balanced water of a much better quality. Bottled filter water is not even a guarantee for quality.

If this is all new to you – it might be many things for you to adjust – but after a while it’s just another habit – and you’ll  really notice the difference which is worth the work.

Good luck!

Best wishes of your Health, Wealth and Happiness


Photo by Brenda Godinez on Unsplash


• About healthy WATER

• About Lemon Juice

• About Olive Oil



Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Breakfast – Lunch – Dinner

Is one of your New Year resolutions to become healthIER in your daily life? Can be very easy to say, but overwhelming to implement! My advice is to just start up planning one meal at a time and have some handy and  healthy solutions like walnuts, some dates and a banana make you stick to your intentions. Step by step, your new plan becomes a good habit.

Let’s take a look at your Breakfast what do you normally do? If you don’t eat breakfast – I have to tell you that this is rarely what your body needs! The first step could be to implement something light and healthy… a slice of your favourite fruit and vegetable is fine, as long as you also drink plenty of water. You can get inspired from our green habits and try it out. If you are for a more solid meal, I recommend oatmeal or porridge of muesli with some fresh sliced fruits and berries, and variations are actually unlimited depending on the season e.g. some kiwis, melons, oranges etc.

As for Lunch – it’s a cultural habit depending on where in the world you live. We are in Europe. Here in France the culture is like in Italy, Spain and Portugal. A nice long two hour siesta from 12.30 – 14.30! All year round, so it’s not only about the heat in the summer. Everything closes down. Smaller shops, offices, Pharmacies … etc. People drive home to eat a proper lunch or they meet and go to a nearby restaurant and eat two courses and end with an espresso. Many nearby cantinas have special arrangements for the nearby working people and keep fair prices. The lunch break is sacred – you don’t disturb or make calls during these hours – it’s like the whole country takes a deep breath and calms down. Which is so healthy.

Quite a lovely change for a pragmatic Dane who normally never leaves the job for a break, but rather takes a sandwich while continuing working by the computer (YES very unhealthy!) The Swedes are better at this – they have a one-hour break and they have many restaurants open for lunch only. Even the children at school are served a hot meal every day. That means the whole family has been satisfied with a good solid meal during the day and can go lighter for the dinner, which again means less stressed dinner preparation in the families. I have always envied Sweden this model. The Norwegians are some between the Danes and the Swedes.

So, a nice and easy lunch in France “un déjeuner” when you go to a restaurant is “une platte d’jour” the todays menu, traditionally with a salad as an entrance and a main dish with some meat or fish stew and matching potatoes or rice. Could also be the main dish and a dessert like an ice or a cake, finishing with an espresso. Nice, ones in a while, but this would not work for me daily.

If you are to prepare your own lunch as we do, you can go super healthy super easy with fresh spinach leaves with olive oil and hard boiled egg, tomatoes, cucumber, avocado, sometimes tuna, other times some goat cheese, and a minimum of bread. Drink water… always water!

Your dinner could be just as easy peasy as the lunch. You could add a soup, cold in summer like Spanish gazpacho hmm. Warm in winter like French Onion soup, pea soup or tomato soup very yummy. You can always have some salad. Make an omelette etc. We have a solution that suits both of us … As we always have frozen broccoli and beans in the fridge, and always have eggs and Parmesan. Pour boiling water on a bowl of the frozen broccoli or the beans, fry two eggs for each, serve with grated Parmesan, organic olive oil, salt and pepper… well this is a great quick light dinner that only takes 10 minutes to prepare and you don’t get overeaten as well.

Bon appétit

Best of Health, Wealth and Happiness



LINKs to

• Green habits

LINKs to


• Always secure your passwords



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Photo by Brenda Godinez on Unsplash

Go green!

Every morning I go green… my husband goes green too, and we are addicted because it feels SO good!

Now what on earth is she talking about? I tell you – we start our day drinking nettle tea – each and every day 2 big mugs (½ a liter) each.  What I have been doing for 10 years – but my husband first started 6 months ago – and now he’s the first one in the kitchen who prepares the pot!  One more very green thing we do just after – we share half an avocado! Two mouthful each of this delicious green vegetable and our  stomachs and the whole system is up running in no time! And we feel great the rest of the day.

Another fantastic green fruit which aid your digestion system and your health in general, is the kiwi fruit! When the season is low on avocados – go look for the kiwi fruits.

We can divide people in categories of how they have toilet routines… We all know about how it feels not to get it done for days… and quite honest I have heard of people who only delivers once a week. A relief when it finally happens. Then there are people who makes it happen 2-3 times a week – lucky ones! But to be quite frank – If you have a proper functioning intestinal system, you are delivering solid substance minimum once a day!

If you haven’t tried anything like this yet … You must a.s.a.p. Now this could become an even more shitty-talk – but let me frame it short – if you have any kind of problems delivering the solid stuff – this is the solution that is working for us, so I’m sure it will for you too.

PS. Now don’t spoil the raw green healthy advice with any sugar, salt, pepper, mayonnaise etc. they are unfortunately just very unhealthy bad taste habits!

Nettle tea: 2 tea spoons (2g) for ½ liter   (If you can pick fresh leaves from your garden – 3-5 leaves is plenty) You can add some mint leaves if you find it too dull.

Nettle tea – as tea bags (Clipper tea) or your local Organic shop – your garden, Pharmacy etc.

Avocado and kiwi – you can get in most supermarkets

Good luck!

Best wishes of your Health, Wealth and Happiness



LINKs to more knowledge

• All the benefits of avocado

• All the benefits of kiwi

• All the benefits of Nettle tea

LINKs to


• Always secure your passwords



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